
lapbook is a great way to include hands-on learning in your classroom. It can be used as a tool to encourage student engagement and enjoyment. A lapbook is a portfolio or a collection of minibooks, flaps and folded pages used to display material based on a common idea. Lapbooks are filled with information on any given topic and is presented in an artistic form.



I found these great videos that have simple instructions on how to create the lapbook using a file folder.

Here are some links to some more lapbook ideas. Enjoy!


Image courtesy Homeschoolshare

CLICK HERE for multiplication lapbook templates

Image Courtesy Homeschoolshare

CLICK HERE for details.

Here are links to other wonderful sites to set you off on your lapbooking journey!

Character Counts!

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So lately we have been hearing a lot about character development and the role it plays in the overall development of our students as functional citizens in tomorrow's world. Terrific isn't it? Well, to do that we need to focus on the  SIX PILLARS OF CHARACTER. 

[TRRFCC-Terrific (got it?)]


Be honest • Don’t deceive, cheat, or steal • Be reliable — do what you say you’ll do • Have the courage to do the right thing • Build a good reputation • Be loyal — stand by your family, friends, and country


Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule • Be tolerant and accepting of differences • Use good manners, not bad language • Be considerate of the feelings of others • Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone • Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements


Do what you are supposed to do • Plan ahead • Persevere: keep on trying! • Always do your best • Use self-control • Be self-disciplined • Think before you act — consider the consequences • Be accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes • Set a good example for others


Play by the rules • Take turns and share • Be open-minded; listen to others • Don’t take advantage of others • Don’t blame others carelessly • Treat all people fairly


Be kind • Be compassionate and show you care • Express gratitude • Forgive others • Help people in need


Do your share to make your school and community better • Cooperate • Get involved in community affairs • Stay informed; vote • Be a good neighbor • Obey laws and rules • Respect authority • Protect the environment • Volunteer
Click on these links below for teaching aids on CHARACTER:

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Foldables in Science

So today I'm focusing on the area of Science. Yes Science! To be exact I am  looking at ways to make science learning both interactive and easy! For starters I want to endorse the idea of Foldables in the classroom. Now Foldables are quite a new phonemena. They are 3D graphic organizers that can be used to better enable students to remember difficult terms and concepts. Their format allows students to organize information in an easy visual form. To learn more about the types of foldables CLICK HERE!

These photos are Courtesy


CLICK HERE for more ideas on how to use foldables in your classroom.




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Math Facts

Children always find math facts very difficult to learn and remember, especially at the time they need to recall it the most. Some are forced to learn it by rote, yet others are given many practical learning opportunities for this. Maths is a fun subject that has always been misunderstood and for that, we need to make it an enjoyable experience.

Click here for details

Click here for details

CD (See The) FACTS
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Click here for details


Here is a wonderful idea to get your students to remember math facts. Whether it's addition, subtraction, multiplication or division facts these keys are the key to quick recall. You simply write one pair of facts on one side and the solution on the other.

Click here for details and your FREE DOWNLOAD copy!


Number Bonds are a great way to get your students to visually memorize these facts. I found at site that explains it well so that you may consider using this strategy in your math class.
Click HERE for more information OR
Download the chart and worksheet HERE

Upcycling in the Classroom

In my search for penny saving ideas I came across the term ‘upcycling’.  It sounds a lot like recycling to me, but, it is a bit more than that. Upcycling is taking waste and making it into something that has equal or greater use or value.

According to William McDonough in his book, Cradle to Cradle, upcycling is reusing a material without degrading the quality and composition of the material for its next use. As a matter of fact, the finished product can be worth more than the recycled material it is made of. So when next you decide to throw away your soda bottle or sausage tins, think of making something that is far more valuable with it. Check these out!



Click here for details




can holders

And these for the home: 


milk jug flower pots

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Developing Fine Motor Skills Ideas!

At the beginning of the new school year I will be having a blast with my new first year class (kindergarteners). I am already excited about this because I think that I am better prepared this second time around. So to celebrate my new joy I have already started searching around looking for ideas for developing their fine motor skills. Guess what?  There are tons of ideas in blog land!!

Here are some of the ideas that I found.

Fine Motor Activities
Take a piece of cardboard and punch holes around the outside. Have your child use a piece of yarn (with a piece of tape wrapped around its end) and "lace" the board, by bringing the yarn down one hole and up through another hole. Continue until all of the holes are laced. (You can also use an old shoelace for this activity.)

Cork Board Horse
click here for details

Marble Game

marble game 
click here for details

Gluing Dots and Buttons
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click here for details

Stacking Blocks
Fine Motor Skills
click here for details

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click here for details

Grammar Drama!


I think that the best way to get your students to learn the meaning of affixes is simply to get them to see words with them FIRST then breaking those words down into parts. This worked for me! I think that in doing so they would be better able to build new words knowing that the smallest of parts contain meaning. I have done some breaking and building with my class and they had lots of fun at it! Actually they spent a lot more time figuring out the meanings of the words  than they did breaking them down! 

Here are a few ideas for you to try!

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Clothespins are wonderful resources for the classroom. They come in many shapes, sizes and colours. They can be used to hold paper in stacks and they can also be used to make games. The wooden types are wonderful for making crafts and the coloured plastic types are great for adding colour and depth to the classroom environment. 

Below are just a few of the many different ways we can use clothespins in the classroom. 


clothespin counting


Here is a free download of Clothes pin in Multiplication.

In this easy-to-create math center, students will match the equation to the correct product by clipping the clothes pin to the product sheet. To co...

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Bookmarks to Make!

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Bookmarks are simple to make and can be great end-of-year presents for your students. There are so many designs and styles to choose from that you would have a really hard time deciding which one.

This site that I found recently offers some great ideas on making your own bookmarks.

click here for details

Cardboard Thingies!

So what do I call this? Well, let's say it is simply a scissors holder. I saw this thingy made of corrugated cardboard, stuck together in a neat way. I found this and other neat stuff like it and I just had to place it in my blog. 


 Craft Project: Scissor Holder
click here for more details


This is a Thanksgiving Day craft that can be used to support other celebrations. It is very simple and fun. 

 Thanksgiving Day Craft

click here for more details

Pizza box Chalkboard and Whiteboard Easel

DIY Pizza Box easel - perfect fun for two!
click here for details

Sponge Math!

Ok! So I say sponge and I get a lot of questions coming up.." You mean cleaning, right?"...No! I mean, there are many other ways that sponge can be used in the classroom besides cleaning. It can be used in the teaching of concepts in your classroom.

I found this really great idea of how sponge can be used in Math class! For starters it can be used in the teaching of PLACE VALUE. You can cut coloured sponge into long strips to represent 'TENS' and into cube bits to represent  'ONES' or 'UNITS'! For the other concepts you can leave them as is to represent 'HUNDREDS' or join them to represent greater concepts. 

Another very ingenious way of using sponge in Math is in the teaching of number concepts as well. In this activity you simply recycle french fries packs, create number labels and cut sponge pieces to look like french fries!

Recycled Counting Math Preschool Lesson Plan  Recycled Counting Math Preschool Lesson Plan  

Recycled Counting Math Preschool Lesson Plan

This is the end product. In this activity students will count fries and insert in the correct holder. What do you think? This is really cool!!!!!!

Recycled Homemade Counting Math Preschool Lesson Plan

Here are some more ideas around the curriculum!

Art & Craft: Sponge Insects 
                 Dot Dabbers